Thought Studios
Internet of Things & Artificial Intelligence

Extend your business's reach, with nextgen IoT and AI solutions

Compute on the cloud, fog, mist and edge

Move away from automations, to truly autonomous systems

The future is now, the future is here. The digital world has just stepped into an era of ubiquitous computing and IoT. Everyting from a car to your kitchen sink has a chip in it these days. What this means is, data, like never before, cherry-picked and available at your doorstep. Kaaturu Thought Studios can help your business recieve a plethora of insights about it's performance, prospective users and predictions, using a range of custom IoT devices and specialized machine learning algorithms.

Machine Learning Solutions

Artificial Intellignece for Innovative business Solutions

Realize the power of your business, by analysing the data it generates, using Machine learning (ML) to get insights into a horde of new avenues and optimisations. Boost sales with immaculate leads, and predictions from your Machine Learning models. Let your business reach and benefit more people, by empowering your data analytics team with ML tools.

Internet of Things

End to End IoT development solutions

Architecting an IoT solution requires an approach different from traditional designs, where there is a need for collaboration between Engineers, Industry experts, and manufacturers. At Kaaturu Thought Studios ™, we are well equipped to handle this for you, thanks to our parent company, Troniqs Rationale ™ who have been in the IoT business since 2015.

Connect your existing digital infrastructure to materialize a secure and customised IoT platform for your business and clients. Such a platform, collecting data relevant to your specific business, enables your solutions to deliver a seamless experience across devices and platform, yet targeting users with offers and customised experiences.

Smart and connected devices

Build intelligent consumer electronics backed by AI and IoT

From smart watches to telivision sets, from smart plugs to smart homes, the scope and reach of smart and connected devices keep growing exponentially. Bring the power of AI and IoT to your consumer electronics products to make a mark on this next-geb market.

© 2019, Troniqs Rationale Technologies and services (P) Ltd. Simply designed at Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, INDIA-629001.

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